OTN Appreciation Day: Developer Cloud Service

Tim Hall had the great idea to introduce the ‘OTN Appreciation Day’ where bloggers should write a short blog about their favourite Oracle feature. As the OTN is a great network which I use every day, I like to add a blog about my current best like feature, the ‘Oracle Developer Cloud Service’.

So, why is the Developer Cloud Service my favoured feature?

I’m a consultant, coach and architect helping customers to bring their Oracle related projects to a good start, sometimes back on track, help migrate projects to current versions an coach developers. There are many questions where customers ask to see how something is going to work or how to set something up. Before the DCS, setting up an environment which is similar to the customers was a time consuming task.

I had to install software like JDeveloper, WebLogic Server, SOA Suite and Database most often before getting to the real task.  Coaching developers in new techniques like using git or automate software deployment (continuous integration) needs software too.

The DCS offers an ready to use environment to develop software and deploy it to WebLogic Server already setup with the needed packages like ADF and/or SOA Suite. You can plugin your own DB or use the one running in the cloud.

Agile development can be done with the DCS too. You can use an integrated bug tracker, use agile boards and create tasks you assign to developers of your team. Code reviews can be done and the Hudson server is used to build a new artifact including the last reviewed changes. Once they passed there automated tests, the new version can be automatically deployed to the server. The new version of the software is ready to be accessed from everybody. You get a full integrated DevOps platform!

This DCS makes my live as a consultant and coach a lot easier. Modern techniques can be shown and teached to customers. I also use the DCS for trainings the German ADF Community holds on multiple occasions. The DCS has evolved since end of 2015, more features have been added and more are in the pipeline to make it more productive in hte future.

To find out more about the Developer Cloud Service visit my other blog posts about the DCS or Oracle Developer Cloud Service.

If you want to try the DCS for yourself, you can get a free 30 day trial.




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