Use LOV without af:selectoneChoice

A question on the JDev & ADF forum caught my attention. A user asked how to get the attribute value from a list of value (LOV) without using an af:selectOneChoise component. To make the use case clear, let’s look at a listview from the Departments table of the HR DB schema.

this will produce a very rudimentary output like


This doesn’t look charming. OK we can change this to something more meaningful like


But still we see only the key values instead meaningful attribute values like we get if we use a af:selectOneChoce component.

To get the output using an af:selectOneChoise we need to define list of values at the attributes in the view object, DepartmentsView in this case:

Now, when we drag the DepartmentsView onto a page and drop it as a form or table we would get the af:selectOneChoice component. However, if we create the listview again, nothing changes. JDev uses af:outputText components in this case.

To show the managers name behind the ManagerId, we can e.g. add another attribute to the view and get the manager name via a join in the sql query.

Or we put a af:selectOnChoice in the list view cell like we get for a cell in a table. This would look like

 <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl3" layout="horizontal">
   <af:outputFormatted value="ID: #{item.bindings.ManagerId.inputValue} Name:" id="of2"/>
   <af:selectOneChoice value="#{item.bindings.ManagerId.inputValue}" label="#{row.bindings.ManagerId.label}"
     shortDesc="#{bindings.DepartmentsView1.hints.ManagerId.tooltip}" id="soc3" disabled="true">
     <f:selectItems value="#{item.bindings.ManagerId.items}" id="si3"/>
     <f:validator binding="#{item.bindings.ManagerId.validator}"/>

and generate


The gray rectangle is because we have set the disabled property to true to disable the component. To get a better look we can set the readOnly property instead to get


which look much better. However to get this result we have to add a lot of tags to the page.

The final solution is to use the data which is present in the model to show the attribute name instead of the value like it’S done ba the framework for af:selectOneChoice. For this we only need one af:outputText tag like

 <af:outputFormatted value="ID: #{item.bindings.ManagerId.inputValue} Name: #{item.bindings.ManagerId.items[item.bindings.ManagerId.inputValue].label}"

This will generate


The magic is the expression language


which uses the items defined for the selectOneChoice and located the right display attribute in the collection using the attribute value.

You can download the sample application which is build with JDev and uses the HR DB schema from GitHub BlogShowLOVattributeWithoutLOV

JDeveloper Use Selection in LOV to Navigate to Detail

This post shows how a selection in a list of value (LOV) can be used to navigate to another page to show detailed information about the selected item in the LOV. The sample uses the HR db schema, the work space can be loaded using the link provided at the end of the post.

Use Case
Using a af:selectOneChoice showing the department names of the departments table we want to select on department. Then by clicking a button we want to navigate to a different page which shows the details of the selected department.

Let’s start with a look at the finished application:

Running Application

Running Application

After selecting a department from the af:selectOneChoice we see the index of the selected department.

Select Department

Select Department

This is shown in the outputText below the LOV. Selection ‘Human Resources’ selects the index 3 in the LOV.

Navigate to Detail Page

Navigate to Detail Page

And finally the detail Page where we see the correct department id for ‘Human Resources’ of 40.

Detail Page

Detail Page

To implement this use case we define two view objects (VO). One which we use for the LOV of department names (DepartmentLOVView) and one which we use to show the detail on a form for the detail page (DepartmentView1).

Data Model

Data Model

In the UI we define a bounded task flow (lov-select-detail-btf.xml) which is build using fragments. This task flow is put on a page (Start.jspx) as region.



Before we begin to setup the LOV we need a place to store the selected value from the LOV. For this we create a pageDef file for the DepSelect.jsff by right clicking on the page and selecting ‘Go to Page Definition’ from the menu. As there is no pageDef file one is created for us. We define a variable DepId inside the variable section of the ‘Exceutables’ section. Then we add an attributeValue ‘DepId’ in the bindings section.

Define Variable DepId inside the Executables Section

Define Variable DepId inside the Executables Section

Variable DepId

Variable DepId

Add attributeValue Binding

Add attributeValue Binding

Select DepId from variabels

Select DepId from variabels

To setup the LOV drag the DepartmentId from the DepaermentLOVView from the Data Controls section onto the DepSelecte.jsff fragment. Change the values in the dialog to match the image below:

Edit List Binding for DepartmentId

Edit List Binding for DepartmentId

In the property editor for the selectOneChoice set the label property to ‘Depaertment’ and the value property to ‘#{bindings.DepId1.inputValue}’ which is the attribute we defined in the variables section. Set the autoSubmit property to true so that selected values are posted into the variable once the value changes. The final selectOneChoise code is

        <af:selectOneChoice label="Department" id="soc1" required="#{bindings.DepartmentId.hints.mandatory}" value="#{bindings.DepId1.inputValue}"
                            autoSubmit="true" valuePassThru="true">
          <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.DepartmentId.items}" id="si1"/>

To show the selected item we add an outputText which shows the “#{bindings.DepId1.inputValue}”, which is the place the value is stored after selecting a department in the LOV. Notice that we don’t see the DepartmentId (the PK of the VO), but the index of the selected department in the list binding. As we don’t use a value driven LOV we have to map the index back to the row key ourselves. One more reason to stick to model driven LOV whenever possible. In this use case we don’t use a model driven LOV by intent. This is to show how to map the index back to the row key of the list.

The missing element is a button we use to navigate to the next page, the detail page, showing the departments detail as a form (read only). To get this button, open the data controls section and then open the DepartmentsLOVView and open the ‘Operations’ node. Select the ‘setCurrentRowWithKeyValue’ operation and drag it onto the fragment. Drop it as operation->button. This will add the operation into the pageDef for the fragment. The image below shows the final pageDef:

Final pageDef

Final pageDef

The missing part is the mapping of the selected index to the needed key of the department. For this we select the button, go to the properties of the button. In the action property we select ‘Edit’ from the drop down list (small arrow) on the right side of the property. In the Dialog we create a new bean ‘DepSelectBean’ in the package ‘’. In the method part we choose ‘new’ to create a new method ‘showSelectedDep’. Finally we change over to the source tab of the fragment and delete the ‘#{bindings.setCurrentRowWithKeyValue.execute}’ from the actionListener property. The reason for this is that we execute the method from the bean after we got the real DepartmentId from the LOV. The magic is done in the action method ‘showSelectedDep()’ in the bean.

    public String showSelectedDep() {
        BindingContext lBindingContext = BindingContext.getCurrent();
        BindingContainer bindings = lBindingContext.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        // get the list binding for the department lov
        JUCtrlListBinding list = (JUCtrlListBinding)bindings.get("DepartmentId");

        // get the selected index from the list which is stored in the DepId1 attribute
        AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding)bindings.getControlBinding("DepId1");
        Integer selid = (Integer)attr.getInputValue();

        // load the listdata
        Object row = list.getDisplayData();
        // get the selected row from the list
        Row lFromList = (Row)list.getValueFromList(selid);
        // from the row we get the PK the DepartmentId
        Object lAttribute = lFromList.getAttribute("DepartmentId");
        Number newVal = (Number)lAttribute;"Information: selected Department = " + newVal);
        // get the MethodAction for setCurrentRowWithKeyValue
        OperationBinding method = bindings.getOperationBinding("setCurrentRowWithKeyValue");
        // set hte needed parameter as the department id
        method.getParamsMap().put("rowKey", newVal);
        // after execution check for errors
        List errors = method.getErrors();
        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            Exception ex = (Exception)errors.get(0);

            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage(), "");
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);
            // keep on page in case of an error
            return null;

        // navigate to the next page
        return "show";

This concludes the implementation. The workspace can be loaded from ADF EMG Samples Project. The sample uses the HR db schema and was developed using JDeveloper

JDeveloper: Using Static ViewObjects for Lookup Data used by e.g. LOV

This blog shows how to set up a static ViewObject in a model project and use this static data as lookup data in an other ViewObject as LOV. Static lookup data can and should be put into a shared application module, as the data seldom change during the live of the application using the static data. This we’ll leave for another blog. Here we create a model project and create a simple static ViewObject which we then use in another as choice list.
The sample was build using JDeveloper and uses the HR schema. To get the workspace use the link provided at the end of this blog.

Use case:
We need some static data as lookup for an other attribute which resides in a view object. In this sample we use the COUNTIRES table from the HR schema which has an foreign key RegionId to the REGIONS table from the HR schema. Instead of using the REGIONS data directly, we setup a static view Object which holds the data to be shown for the foreign key in the UI.
To show the difference, we also setup the lookup data using the REGIONS table data.


We start with setting up the workspace. We use the normal ‘Fusion Web Application’ template. The template creates two projects, one model and one view controller project. once the names for the projects are entered, we start with the model project. We select the model project and select ‘Create Business Components from Table’. After copying the HR Connection to the project, we select the Countries and the Regions as entities

Entity Objects: Countries and Regions

Entity Objects: Countries and Regions

Next we select the two ViewObjects based on the EntityObjects build in the previous step

Updatable ViewObjects

Updatable ViewObjects

as we don’t need read only ViewObjects for this blog we skip this step and finally set a name for the application module

Application Module

Application Module

Next we create a new ViewObject which we define as ‘Rows populated at design time (Static List)’ which we use as lookup table.

Create Static VO

Create Static VO

Define as Static List

Define as Static List

Define the attributes and their data types. In this case we use an id (Number) and a String type as region name.

Attribute Id

Attribute Id

Attribute RegionName

Attribute RegionName

Next after the attributes for the static view are defined we add the values. Here you can enter as many rows as you like. There also can be more then two attributes. The sample only needs hte two attributes.

Empty Static List

Empty Static List

Filled Static List

Filled Static List

For the sample we define a second view object based on the COUNTRIES table of the HR schema. We use the two identical VO to show how to setup the LOV for the RegionId once using the entity based VO RegionView and once to setup the LOV using the static VO created before.

Create second VO to demonstrate setup of LOV using Static VO

Create second VO to demonstrate setup of LOV using Static VO

VO is based on Countries EO

VO is based on Countries EO

Use all Attributes

Use all Attributes

After the attributes are defiend we setup the LOV for the RegionId. For this we select the RegionId attribute and open the ‘List of Vaule:’ for the RegionId

Define the List Data Source for the LOV

Define the List Data Source for the LOV

Clicking the green plus sign we get the dialog where we define the choice list for the RegionId

Select the Static View as List Source

Select the Static View as List Source

Select Static VO as List Source

Select Static VO as List Source

Select the List Id

Select the List Id

Now as we want to see the region name instead of the Id we switch to the ‘UI Hints’ tab and select the regionName attribute from the list source

Select the RegionName

Select the RegionName

Shuffle it to the 'selected' side

Shuffle it to the ‘selected’ side

The same action are done for the CountriesView, only here we select the RegionsView as list source. Finally we add the new views to the data model of the application module. All other views we delete as we do’t need them.

Final Application Module

Final Application Module

Now we can test run the application module:

Test CountriesView

Test CountriesView

Test Countries4StaticRegionView1

Test Countries4StaticRegionView1

As expected we once see the region name from the regions table and once we get the static data we added to our static VO.

The final step for this blog is to setup a page in hte UI. For this we create one page with an af:panelSplitter. on hte left side we drag the CountriesView1 from the data control and drop it as ‘ADF Table…’. On hte right we drag the Countries4StaticRegionView1 and drop it as ‘ADF Table…’ too. We set the table to select single and allow sorting. Finally we set the table to ‘Click to Edit’ mode so that only on row can be edited at once.

Running Application: CountriesView1

Running Application: CountriesView1

Running Application: Countries4StaticRegionView1

Running Application: Countries4StaticRegionView1

You can download the workspace of the sample from here: ADF EMG Samples: The sample uses the HR schema and was build using JDeveloper but should run in and 11.1.2.x too.