JDeveloper: Task Flow with optional Parameters

In one of my current projects, I came across a wired problem concerning a task flow which uses parameters to configure the flow. To make it simple to understand the problem I made up a fictive use case.

Use Case

This is not a real use case, but an abbreviation of it just to show the problem and how to resolve it. It might not make sense in real life, but it allows to show the problem.

We like to see a form to enter some data. One of the fields the user can enter should be used to select a specific layout of the following pages. Ony Layout should be horizontal and one should be vertical.

The layout should allow showing a title with a number, a text part, and a footer part. Each of the parts is optional, only the layout must be specified.

The flow can be used at different points in different flows in the application.


The implementation is easy. We build a task flow, build with pages, and add 5 parameters to it. This task flow looks like this:

In a router component, we check the required parameter to decide which layout to use. The ‘none’ page is used if the parameter is not ‘v’ or ‘h’.

For the layout pages, which implement the layout part, I used a af:panelGridLayout with the right number of rows and columns. Here is the vertical.jsf page

Or the source view

The other pages can be found in the sample which was built using JDeveloper You can download the sample using the link at the end of the blog.

Now that we have the reusable task flow we need another task flow (adfc-config.xml in this case) to show how to use the use of the task flow.

We see an index page which calls the task flow using three different navigations (toPageNoParam, toPageAllParam and toPageTextOnly). The difference between the navigations are the parameters set to the task flows.

Here they are

Running the application we get the following output after filling in the form on the index page

WAIT, this doesn’t look right. The page with text only parameters displays the text in the footer section instead of the text section. If we look at the parameters defined for this task flow call we see

Yes, we added the value to the wrong parameter, ‘footer’ instead of ‘text’!

Easy change, we copy move it over to the ‘text’ parameter using copy and paste:

And we get

Great, this looks like it should be.


WAIT again, in the log window we now get an error message

<oracle.adf.model> <ValueMappingXmlImpl> <parse> 
   <ADFc: /WEB-INF/adfc-config.xml: Failed to parse element input-parameter: null value found for value.>

Why’s that?

If you look closely at the parameters, you’ll notice, that the ‘footer’ value is empty, whereas the other not set values showing a ‘-’. So we add the ‘-’ to the footer parameter:

To get this output running the app:

The error message in the log window is gone 🙂

Hm, but now we see the ‘-’ for the footer value. The value for the ‘title’ parameter looks identical to the parameter ‘footer’. However, we don’t see the ‘-’ for the ‘title’ in GUI.


Looking at the XML of the task flow call shows:

Now the problem is, that JDeveloper shows a ‘-’ for a parameter which is not set in the XML representation, meaning that the parameter is not in the XML structure at all!

The ‘-’ we typed into the ‘footer’ parameter is visible as value for the parameter and thus it printed when running the application.

The final solution is to remove the ‘footer’ parameter from the XML structure:

This will get us the following display in JDeveloper

The resulting running page now looks like

And we don’t see the error message in the log.

Sample Download

You can download the final application from GitHub BlogTaskFlowParameter. The sample was built using JDeveloper and doesn’t need a DB connection.

Train Stop Status Handling

A question on the Oracle Developers Community was about how to handle a train stops visited status.

Use Case

The use case behind this was that a train can be used as a workflow visualization. A normal user starts the train, but at one point a manager has to approve something. This approval is one or more stops on the same train. If the manager picks up the workflow he should automatically start with the approval stop. There is no need for him to see the data accumulated in the stops before.

The use case has multiple challenges:

  1. Securing train stops for different user roles
  2. Allow starting the train from any stop
  3. Handling the state of the train stops

The first two challenges are handler by All Aboard, 97. How-to defer train-stop navigation for custom form validation or other developer interaction, and 82. How to programmatically navigate ADF trains.

The missing part is how to handle the train stops ‘visited’ state (see image above). If you start the train directly with ‘Stop 3’ you get this state


To implement this use case, we use a simple UI. It contains an input field, a button and the train which is added to the page as a region.

In the input field names label 1 you can enter the stop where the train should start. If no number is given, the train starts with the first stop. We use this input field to mimic the different starting stop for different users. This is the page when we start the application:

This is the page when we start the final application:

You can navigate between the train stops by using the ‘Back’ and ‘Next’ button, or by clicking the next stop in the train bar. As the stops are set to sequential, you can’t directly click on the 4th stop. You have to go through the stops 1 to 3 first.

Enter a number between 1 and 5 into the input field and tab out of the field will set the parameter for the train task flow and restart the task flow. The navigation is done via a router in the task flow. In the image below the stop number 3 is set as the starting stop for the train

And as you see the stops 1 and 2 are looking like they have visited before.


To show how to implement this we start with a simple bounded task flow which builds the train

The start builds a router which we use to navigate to the stop where we want to start the train. The starting stop is passed as parameter to the task flow

In the router, which is marked as default activity, the parameter is used to execute the navigation

The Magic

If you look at the train stop properties in the properties inspector you’ll notice, that there is no property for the visited state

This option is not available in the UI. Oracle has missed or deliberately missed to make this property accessible via the properties. If you dig into the implementation of the train task flow (see the articles provided at the begin of the blog), you’ll see how to access the train and its stops by code:

ViewPortContext currentViewPortCtx = controllerContext.getCurrentViewPort();
TaskFlowContext taskFlowCtx = currentViewPortCtx.getTaskFlowContext();
TaskFlowTrainModel taskFlowTrainModel = taskFlowCtx.getTaskFlowTrainModel();
// get the stop from the map
TaskFlowTrainStopModel currentStop = taskFlowTrainModel.getCurrentStop();

The TaskFlowTrainStopModel doesn’t provide any access to the visited state. If you look at the class definition you’ll notice, that it’s only an interface

which doesn’t provide access to the visited property. Setting a breakpoint in the debugger we can inspect an instance of this interface

and we get the class implementing the interface as:


This class has the visited property we are looking for.


Now we can implement a method which we call before a train stop gets rendered and which sets the visited property of all previous stops to true.



However, it’s the class we need to get to the property. You have to understand, that the usage of the class has its risks, but that it’s not forbidden. The risk is that Oracle can change or delete the class without notifying you beforehand. So, in later versions, your code might break.

The method checks the task flow parameter if it’s null to set to a number less or equal to 0. In this case, the method returns an empty string. We do this check to avoid that the method does it’s work every time we navigate the train. It should be done only once when the train starts.

If the check finds a positive number, it sets the task flow parameter to zero (line 37).

It then gets the task flow information from the Context (lines 39-43). In line 50 we acquire the current stop before we loop over all previous stops and set their visited property to true (lines 53-59).

The missing part is how to call this method when a train stop is rendered. For this, we use a technique called Lazy Initalizing Beans. The trick is to use a hidden af:outputText and set e.g. the value property of the component to a bean property.

When the page or fragment is rendered, the method getInitStatus() in the bean is called. This is exactly the method shown above. We add this hidden af:outputText to each train stop before the af:train component.


You can download the sample from GitHub BlogTrainStopStatus. The sample is build using JDev and doesn’t need a DB connection. You can use the same technique in other JDeveloper versions.

JDeveloper: Using Task Flow Parameters to Show Different UI in a Region

Lately a couple of questions on the JDeveloper & ADF space regarding using task flow parameters came up.

Use Case

One specific use case was how to show different UI in the same region if a row is just created or if the user wants to edit an already existing row.

Full description is that the user sees a table with e.g. regions of the HR DB schema. Now there are two buttons, one ‘Create new…’ and one ‘Edit current…’. When clicking the ‘Edit current…’ button the currently selected row of the table should be loaded into a form. There the user can edit everything but the primary key (PK). If the user click the ‘Create new…’ button the same form should be visible, but the PK should be editable too.

Running Application

To make it more visible let’s start with the finished application:


Running Application

The final UI looks like in the image above. The UI is composed of four areas as in the image below:


The ‘Header’ and ‘Search Panel’ area are only for convenience. In the ‘Panel Collection Bar’ holds a toolbar with two buttons ‘Create new…’ and ‘Edit current…’. The table below shows the result of a search of the Region table from the HR DB.

Selecting a row in the table we can edit the selected record by clicking on the ‘Edit current…’ button


This will open a new screen showing the selected row. Above the ‘RegionId’ we see a text indicating that we are in ‘edit’ mode and we can’t edit the ‘RegionId’ attribute as it’s the PK of the row and should not be editable.

Here we can edit the RegionName attribute and store the change by clicking the ‘Commit’ button:

Likewise, if we click the ‘Create new…’ button we go to the same form, but this time the text above the ‘RegionId’ attribute tells us that we are in ‘create’ mode and we can edit the RegionId.

Committing the changes we get a new row in the Regions HR DB table.


Ok, let’s talk about how to implement this. For the model layer we run the ‘Business Components from Table…’ wizard on the model project and select the regions table from the HR DB. For this demo this is all we need to do.

The UI consist of two pages, index.jsf and Region.jsf. The index.jsf page is the start page and shows the UI as in the first image. Everything is easily done by drag and drop the right components in the right order onto the page. I spare the details for this as you can look at the sample which you can download using the link at the end of the post.

The only thing I like to go into detail is the toolbar with the two buttons ‘Create new…’ and ‘Edit current…’. These buttons do two things:

  1. Set a mode property to pageFlowScope
  2. Navigate to the second page Region.jsf

The Toolbar definition looks like

 <af:toolbar id="t1">
   <af:button text="Create new..." id="b1" action="show">
     <af:setPropertyListener from="#{'create'}" to="#{pageFlowScope.mode}" type="action"/>
   <af:button text="Edit current..." id="b2" action="show">
     <af:setPropertyListener from="#{'edit'}" to="#{pageFlowScope.mode}" type="action"/>

The create button has a af:setPropertyListener added which sets a pageFlowScope attribute ‘mode’ to ‘create’ and navigates to the Region.jsf page by executing the ‘show’ navigation from the unbounded task flow adfc-config.xml



The edit button uses an af:setPropertyListener which sets a pageFlowScope attribute ‘mode’ to ‘edit’ and then executes the navigation ‘show’ to go to the Region.jsf page. The logic to insert a new row or to edit an existing row is done in the bounded task flow ‘region-edit-create-btf.xml’ which we talk about later.

The Region.jsf page consists of a Header and a Region holding an af:form of the selected row of the Region:



The region itself is a bounded task flow with the following properties


Here we see one parameter with the name ‘mode’ which stores its value in a pageFlowScope attribute named ‘mode’. One other thing we need to make sure of is that the region shares the data control with its parent (in this case the adfc-config unbounded task flow) and always begins a new transaction. This make the bounded task flow a unit of work, it encapsulates the work in the task flow. The interface of the bounded task flow describes what the unit of work does:

Interface of ‘region-edit-create-btf.xml’ task flow:

If mode is set to ‘edit’, the current selected row of the Region table is shown in a form and can be edited. 

If the mode is set to ‘create’, a new row is created and inserted into the Region table and can then be edited.

The user can commit or cancel the operation. After each of this operations the task flow executes a parent action ‘back’.


We see that the default action of the task flow is a router which uses the parameter set to the task flow to execute the create of the edit navigation:


after that the now current record is shown on the fragment (see the area marked ‘Region’ in image Region.jsf). Below we see the panelFormLayout used for the region:

 <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
   <af:outputText value="we are in #{pageFlowScope.mode eq 'create'? 'create' : 'edit'} mode" id="ot1"/>
   <af:inputText value="#{bindings.RegionId.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.RegionId.hints.label}"
     required="#{bindings.RegionId.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.RegionId.hints.displayWidth}"
     maximumLength="#{bindings.RegionId.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.RegionId.hints.tooltip}" id="it1"
     disabled="#{pageFlowScope.mode ne 'create'}">
     <f:validator binding="#{bindings.RegionId.validator}"/>
     <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false" pattern="#{bindings.RegionId.format}"/>
   <af:inputText value="#{bindings.RegionName.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.RegionName.hints.label}"
     required="#{bindings.RegionName.hints.mandatory}" columns="#{bindings.RegionName.hints.displayWidth}"
     maximumLength="#{bindings.RegionName.hints.precision}" shortDesc="#{bindings.RegionName.hints.tooltip}" id="it2">
     <f:validator binding="#{bindings.RegionName.validator}"/>
   <f:facet name="footer">
     <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2">
       <af:button text="Commit" id="b2" action="commit"/>
       <af:button text="Rollback" id="b1" immediate="true" action="rollback">

Let’s look at the actions which are done in the region. If the user commits the changes the commit action from the data control is called which saves the changes to the db. If the ‘cancel’ button is clicked, the rollback method from the data control is called which reverts any changes done in the task flow. After the commit or rollback a parentAction (paraneAction1) is called which executes the ‘back’ navigation in the adfc-config.xml which navigates back to the index.jsf page.

Please note that we could have added the calls to commit and rollback to the buttons in the region.jsff. I decided to put them into the task flow instead to show the whole task flow and how it works in one place.

Implement different UI according to the task flow parameter

So, how do we use the parameter passed to the bounded task flow to switch the UI?

This is done by using an expression language (EL) which points to the ‘mode’ attribute stored in the pageFlowScope. Sample: the text above the RegionId is created with an af:outputText like

<af:outputText value="we are in #{pageFlowScope.mode eq 'create'? 'create' : 'edit'} mode" id="ot1"/>

The EL ‘#{pageFlowScope.mode eq ‘create’? ‘create’ : ‘edit’} ‘ is used to differentiate between the modes. Likewise the disable property of the RegionId attribute uses the EL

...disabled="#{pageFlowScope.mode ne 'create'}"...

which is true when the passed parameter is not ‘create’. In this case the disabled property is set to false, meaning that the field can’t be edited.

That’s it. There is no line of java code necessary to implement this use case.


You can download the sample which was build using JDeveloper and uses the HR DB schema from GitHub BlogTaskFlowParameter.

Initialize an execute af:quickQuery default criteria on page load

Recently a question on the OTN JDeveloper & ADF Space caught my interest. The question was how to initialize an af:quickQuery component with a parameter passed to a task flow on load of a page.
At first I thought that this would be a simple case of setting a property (InitialQueryOverwritten=true) as mentioned by Frank Nimphius in his article How-to query af:quickQuery on page load ?, but after a short test it turned out, that this setting only executes the query but can’t be used to initialize the criteria.

This blog is about a solution to this problem. The question can be divided into two smaller problems to solve. The first is to pass a parameter to a bounded task flow and use the passed parameter in the bounded task flow. The second problem is to initialize a default query attribute of a af:quickQuery component and execute the query.

Let’s have a look at the running application.

Start Page

Start Page

On the start page the user can enter a parameter, which is used as input parameter in the second page, which holds a region (as bounded task flow) with the quick query component. Clicking on the ‘Go Query’ button passes the entered parameter to a pageFlowScope variable. and navigates to the second page.
Start Page Page with initialized af:quickQuery

Start Page Page with initialized af:quickQuery

As we see, the passed parameter is visible in the quick query component and the table shows the corresponding data in the table.

The first problem mentioned isn’t really one as the solution the well documented. So passing a parameter from an af:inputText to a bounded task flow will only showed briefly here. The button on the start page uses a af:setPropertyListener to set the parameter to a pageFlowScope variable. On the second page the parameter is passed as input parameter to the bounded task flow which assembles the af:quickQuery.

The images above showing the navigation between the two pages and the region (QuickQuery.jsf) which holds the af:quickQuery.

First Try
The first method I tried to initialize the af:quickQuery was to overwrite the QueryListener of the af:quickQuery component to set the parameter to the default search attribute. The already mentioned property InitialQueryOverwritten=true would then execute the query with the parameter set. This should show the right result in the table. As it turned out, if the property InitialQueryOverwritten is set to true, the QueryListener is not called on load of the page. No change to set the parameter which is passed to the bounded task flow.

Second Try
For the next try I used a method activity in the bounded task flow and tried to set the parameter from this method. This will not work as the component is not present when the method is called as default activity in the task flow. You can set the parameter to the view object and filter the data after it, however, the overwritten property InitialQueryOverwritten then executed the default query again, this time without the parameter. If you set the property to false, you see the data, but the parameter is not set in the af:inputText component.

Final Try: Working solution
The working solution uses a trick which is kind of lazy initializing the component. For this we bind a property of the component to a bean and overwrite the getter method for the property. In the getter we check a private variable of the bean if the component has been called already or not. In case the getter has already been called we just return the value for the property. In case the getter method is called the first time we initialize the component before returning the value of the property.

Let’s look at the af:quickQuery in the region:

                        <af:quickQuery label="Search" searchDesc="#{viewScope.QuickQueryBean.dummy}" id="qryId1"
                                       queryListener="#{bindings.ImplicitViewCriteriaQuery.processQuery}" binding="#{viewScope.QuickQueryBean.quickQuery}">
                            <f:facet name="end">
                                <af:commandLink text="Advanced" rendered="false" id="cl1"/>

Two things to note are
1. the component is bound to the viewScope bean QuickQueryBean
2. the searchDesc property is bound to the same QuickQueryBean bean
The component is bound to the bean as a convenience to get the query descriptor easily in the initialization method. To make this save we use a ComponentReference to store the component.

    private ComponentReference quickQuery;
     * setter for component to ComponentReference
     * @param quickQuery the component
    public void setQuickQuery(RichQuickQuery quickQuery) {
        this.quickQuery = ComponentReference.newUIComponentReference(quickQuery);

     * getter for the component from the component reference
     * @return
    public RichQuickQuery getQuickQuery() {
        if (quickQuery != null) {
            return (RichQuickQuery) quickQuery.getComponent();
        return null;

For more information about this technique see Rules and Best Practices for JSF Component Binding in ADF

The lazy initialization is done by binding the searchDesc property to the QuickQueryBean. The trick is that the component has to call the getter for this property to get it’s value. In the getter in the bean

     * getter for a string value names dummy in EL
     * @return value of the dummy property
    public String getDummy() {
        if (needInit) {
            needInit = false;
        return "Search";

we check a local variable ‘needInit’ which is set to true when the bean is created each time the page gets loaded. As the bean is in viewScope it guarantees that the bean is created each time the page is loaded and stays active until the page is visible.
The real work is done in the initQuickQuery() method:

     * Initialize the quickQuery component if a parameter tpCityName is found in the pageFlowScope. Once this is done, the pageFlowScope
     * variable tpCityName is set to null or removed.
    public void initQuickQuery() {
        // get the PageFlowScope Params
        AdfFacesContext adfFacesCtx = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        Map<String, Object> scopePageFlowScopeVar = adfFacesCtx.getPageFlowScope();
        String paramCity = (String) scopePageFlowScopeVar.get("tpCityName");
        if (paramCity != null && !paramCity.isEmpty()) {
            // get query descriptor (the components value property)
            FilterableQueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = (FilterableQueryDescriptor) getQuickQuery().getValue();
            // get the current selected criterion (which should set in the ImplicitViewCriteriaQuery in hte pageDef
            AttributeCriterion attributeCriterion = queryDescriptor.getCurrentCriterion();
            // get the attribute name and check if it'S 'City'
            AttributeDescriptor attribute = attributeCriterion.getAttribute();
            String name = attribute.getName();
            // only set parameter if hte attribute matches the parameter
            if ("City".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                // remove value to allow new one in component
                scopePageFlowScopeVar.put("tpCityName", null);
                // set the parameter to the attributeCriterion 
                QueryModel model = getQuickQuery().getModel();
                // create a queryEvent and invoke it
                QueryEvent qe = new QueryEvent(getQuickQuery(), queryDescriptor);
                invokeMethodExpression("#{bindings.ImplicitViewCriteriaQuery.processQuery}", Object.class, QueryEvent.class, qe);

In this method we check if a parameter named ‘tpCityName’ is present in the pageFlowScope (lines 8-10). If yes the next check is if the current selected criterion the for the selected parameter, in this case the ‘City’ (lines 11-19) . Only if this test is positive the value from the parameter is set to the criterion (line 20), the pageFlowScope variable ‘tpCityName’ is removed and the new criterion is set back to the query model (lines 21-25). Finally to execute the af:quickQuery we create a new QueryEvent and invoke it via an EL (lines 26 -28).
The solution does not need to set the InitialQueryOverwritten property to true to run. The query is fired after setting the attribute via the QueryEvent. Here is an image of the af:quickQuery binding

Definition of the ImpliciteViewCriteriaQuery

Definition of the ImpliciteViewCriteriaQuery

The sample needs the HR DB schema. You can download the code for the sample, which was build using JDeveloper 12.1.3, from GitHub. Please note that if you run the sample in your environment, that you have to change the DB connection to the HR DB schema according to your environment.

JDev 12.1.3: Using Parent Action to Navigate Tabs of a af:panelTabbed from Inside a Region

This blog is based on a question in the OTN JDeveloper and ADF forum. The Question was how to navigate from one selected tab to the next tab when the af:showDetailItem in the tab is a region and the button to navigate is inside the region.

We implement two cases, the first is the easy one where the button to navigate is in the page holding the af:panelTabbed. The second one uses a button is inside a bounded task flow which is shown in the af:showDetailItem in a tab to navigate the af:panelTabbed.

We start with creating a new ‘ADF Fusion Web Application’ from the gallery. We only change the application name and the path of the application, otherwise we can just use the default values. The sample is simple and doesn’t need a model project or connection to a DB. You can download the finished workspace using the link provided at the end of the post.

We skip all the needed steps and going right into creating the starting page which holds the af:panelTabbed. It has three af:showDetailItem and a af:Button to navigate the tabs directly from the page. This button implements the first use case.

Start Page with Outer Navigation

Start Page with Outer Navigation

The button has a listener attached which is implemented in a viewScope bean ‘NavigateTabBean’. The listener implements the needed logic to navigate from the selected tab to the next tab. If the last tab is reached the first tab is selected.

    private static ADFLogger _logger = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(NavigateTabBean.class);
    private static final String PANELTAB = &quot;pt1&quot;;

     * Eventhandler to navigate to the next tab in a af:panelTabbed
     * @param actionEvent event which called the listener
    public void naviGateButtonAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
        UIComponent ui = getUIComponent(PANELTAB);
        if (ui == null) {
            _logger.info(&quot;PanelTab component not found!&quot;);
        if (!(ui instanceof RichPanelTabbed)) {
            _logger.info(&quot;Component is not an af:panelTabbed&quot;);

        RichPanelTabbed rpt = (RichPanelTabbed) ui;
        int childCount = rpt.getChildCount();
        List&lt;UIComponent&gt; children = rpt.getChildren();
        for (int ii = 0; ii &lt; childCount; ii++) {
            UIComponent uiSDI = children.get(ii);
            if (uiSDI instanceof RichShowDetailItem) {
                RichShowDetailItem rsdi = (RichShowDetailItem) uiSDI;
                if (rsdi.isDisclosed()) {
                    //close current tab
                    //calculate next tab to disclose as next_tab_index = (current_tab_index + 1) % number_of_tabs
                    int kk = ii + 1;
                    int jj = kk % childCount;
                    _logger.info(&quot;old disclosed tab: &quot; + ii + &quot; new disclodes tab: &quot; + jj);
                    RichShowDetailItem newSDI = (RichShowDetailItem) children.get(jj);
                    //open new tab

    // find a jsf component
    private UIComponent getUIComponent(String name) {
        FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        return facesCtx.getViewRoot().findComponent(name);

    public void nextTab() {

The logic in the action listener first searches for the af:panelTabbed in the viewRoot and gets the number of children from it. Each child is one of the af:showDetailItem representing a tab. Then we iterate over the child list and search the currently disclosed tab. We close this tab and the next tab in the list gets disclosed. If the currently selected tab is the last in the list, the first tab is disclosed (see the comments in the code section).

To Implement the second use case, the one we really want to talk about, we first need to implement three bounded task flows which we later use as regions in the tabs.

Bounden Task Flow with Parent Action

Bounden Task Flow with Parent Action

The image shows the bounded task flow for one tab. The other bounded task flows are build in the same way and are just showing different text. The reason for this is that you normally would use different regions aka different task flows in the tabs. We could have used only one bounded task flow with a parameter to change the text shown in the fragment. In the sample you’ll find this implemented for tabs 4 and 5.
The region is simple and only shows one fragment which has a button to navigate to the next tab and a test to distinguish the regions when navigating. The whole magic is the parent action in the bounded task flow. This parent action executes a navigation case ‘nextTab’ in the parent task flow.

Unbounded Task Flow with Start Page

Unbounded Task Flow with Start Page

In the image above we the the unbounded task flow which is the parent of the bounded task flow. Here a wild card rule navigates to a method call activity ‘selectNextTab’ using the navigation case ‘nextTab’ we entered to the parent action of the regions.
The method action calls the ‘nextTab()’ in the managed bean from the code section above. All this method does is to call the action listener which is called from the af:Button of the start page (Start.jsf). As the action listener needs an ActionEvent as parameter, which we don’t use in the code we pass ‘null’ when we call the listener from the method call activity.

This concludes the implementation. Here are some images from the running application

The sample application can be downloaded form ADFEMG Sample Project.

A version of the software build with JDeveloper can be downloaded from GitHub

JDeveloper: Navigation after Return from Bounded Task Flow

A question on the OTN JDeveloper and ADF ‘Space’ asked for a sample and/or tutorial on how to navigate after a bounded task flow, based on pages, returns from its work.
I setup a sample application to show how this works. The application is built using JDeveloper and uses the HR DB schema. The sample can be loaded using the link provided at the end of the post.
Before we start let’s take a look at the running application:

Now that we have seen how the application works let’s check out how it’s implemented.

We start with an unbounded task flow (adfc-config.xml) which look like

Unbounded Task Flow: adfc-config.xml

Unbounded Task Flow: adfc-config.xml

We see that the application is built from two pages, a ‘Start’ page and an ‘End’ page. The ‘Start’ page can call a bounded task flow employee-btf. The start page holds one button ‘Start’ which calls the bounded task flow which is shown below.

Bounded Task Flow: employee-btf.xml

Bounded Task Flow: employee-btf.xml

This task flow shows a table of employees and allows to navigate to a detail page where the employee data can be changed. Depending on the result of the change, we navigate back to the start page (when the rollback button is clicked) or we navigate to the ‘end’ page if the changes are committed (using the commit button). The buttons are calling the navigation case named ‘start’ or ‘end’ which are task flow return cases which are looking like

Task Flow Return: Start

Task Flow Return: Start


Task Flow Return: End

Task Flow Return: End

As you see the return for ‘start’ calls a parent navigation ‘start’ which is implemented using a ‘wild card’ navigation ‘*’. Same is true for ‘end’ task flow return call. Once the navigation is given back to the parent task flow, it looks for a navigation with the name of the outcome ‘start’ or ‘end’ and executes the navigation.

The sample can be loaded from the ADF EMG Samples workspace BlogUBTBTFNavigation.zip

Using one ViewObject for Global Lookup Data (Part 2)

Based on the other post ‘Using one ViewObject for Global Lookup Data’ I got an other question on how to use this approach in a way, that a LOV is initalized with an area of lookup data before the page in shown to the user.
This can be done, all declarative without the need to write java code e.g. in an onLoad() method. The solution is to use a bounded task flow which initializes the LOV before navigation to the page the LOV is used.
To show this we create a simple navigation model in the adfc-config.xml like

Navigation Model

Navigation Model

‘Generic Lookup’ is used to show how to do this inside a page, where the lookup is presented in a region, the ‘LookupInitPosition’ shows how to preset an area for the lookup data (POSITION in this case) before showing the page in a region too.
Before we go into detail on how to setup the UI we need to add another view object to our data model which we use the acquire the lookup data

VO to get Lookup Data

VO to get Lookup Data

The ‘GeneralLookup’ view object is the same we used in part 1 to get the lookup data of an area, only this time we don’t specify lookup area but a dummy value (‘1’ in this case) for the area. This dummy value is set so that we don’t get any result back. If the ‘GeneralLookup’ view is executed without an area given from the outside, we don’t get any result. Keep this in mind when we are looking at the running sample later on.

Back to the UI. As both use cases uses a region it’s a nice sample how a bounded task flow (btf) can be reused in different use cases. The bounded task flow itself looks like

Navigation Model Bounded Task Flow

Navigation Model Model Bounded Task Flow

Bounded Task Flow to Show preselected Lookup Data

Bounded Task Flow to Show preselected Lookup Data

As you see the bounded task flow uses a method call (ExecuteWithParams) as it’s start activity. A task flow parameter is used to pass the name of the lookup area we want the LOV to initially show.
The name of the input parameter does not really matter, what you have to note down is the value part ‘#{pageFlowScope.selectedType}’ as this is the the variable we use to set the bindType parameter of the method call activity ExecuteWithParams.

Setup of the ExecuteWithParams Method Call

Setup of the ExecuteWithParams Method Call

After executing the query with the new set bindType we navigate to to page to show the result:

Region View1 which shows the LOV with the Preselected Lookup Data

Region View1 which shows the LOV with the Preselected Lookup Data

We see the LOV as af:selectOneChoice which stores the selected value in an attribute from the variable iterator (see Creating Variables and Attribute Bindings to Store Values Temporarily in the PageDef for more info on this). The input text below the LOV can be used to change the area parameter used for the LOV. If we enter e.g. WEEKDAY and click the ‘Refesh’ button, the input value is read and transferred to the parameter (#{pageFlowScope.selectedType}) for the executeWithParameter method via a af:setPropertyListener. This allows to change the LOV on the fly from within the region.
The LOV source is a dynamic list generated from the Generallookup VO as seen in the next image
Setup LOV for af:selectOneChoice

Setup LOV for af:selectOneChoice

After we know how the region (the bounded task flow) works, we can build the GenericLookup.jspx page. This page allows to enter the name of an ares into an input text field and then to refresh the bounded task flow, which we put on the page as region.

The final use case is to navigate to a page with with a preselected lookup area, POSITION in this case. For this we use the button ‘goto Page with init on POSITION’ at the bottom of the page.

You can download the sample workspace which was build JDeveloper and using the HR schema from the ADF EMG Samples side BlogStaticVOLov_V3.zip. You can open the workspace using JDev without a problem. If you are asked if you like to migrate the workspace to answer with Yes.

JDeveloper : Use Router to Create New Row or Edit Existing

Based on a question on the OTN ADF forum I wrote a small sample to show how to use a router in a bounded task flow to either edit an existing row, or create a new row and present it to enter data.

Use Case
Based on a query which returns either zero or one row an edit form should should be presented to the user. This form show the data from the row found, or an empty form to allow creation of a new row.

The sample workspace, which you can download from the ADF Samples webside using the link at the end of this post, uses a very simple model. It contains only one view object, based of the LOCATIONS table of the HR schema.
The view object has one custom method implemented which search for a location record by an id. This method is used as query which returns either one row (if the location is found) or no row (if the location is not found).
The UI is build with one page which has a splitter component. On the left facet we find an simple form which we use to input the location id to search for and a button to execute the query. To allow to save or cancel the actions we add a rollback and a commit button. On the second facet we see a region which shoes the panelForm to either edit the existing record or to enter data into a new created record.
The image below shows the page layout.

General page layout

General page layout


The next image shows the running application with a location id found

Running application with Location Id found

Running application with Location Id found

and then with a location id not found

Location ID not found

Location ID not found

You clearly see the empty from to enter new row data.

Now, to implement this the first splitter facet has a button to executes the query (find location by id) with the id given in the inputText. The region on the second splitter facet refreshes itself as we set the ‘Refresh’ property to ‘ifNeeded’. To make this work we need to change an input parameter to the region. This is done by binding the input parameter of the region to the inputText component for the location id.

Setup of input parameter of the region

Setup of input parameter of the region

So whenever the input parameter changes the region gets restarted. this effect we use in the bounded task flow to check if we have to create a new row and thus show a empty form, or to just edit an existing row. For this the bounded task flow uses a router component as start activity. This router checks if the iterator of the locations view object contains zero rows or more.

Bounded task flow

Bounded task flow

The router uses the estimatedRowCount of the underlying view object in an expression to check the number of rows:

EL to check if iterator has zero rows

EL to check if iterator has zero rows

The router navigates to the ‘insert’ case if the EL evaluated to true, to the ‘edit’ case otherwise. That concludes the use case.

You can down load the sample work space from ADF Samples Repository. The sample was build using JDeveloper but should work using and 11.1.2.x too. It uses the HR schema and you need to correct the db credentials to run the sample.

JDeveloper & ADF: Carefully Select the Data Control Scope of Bounded Task Flows

A customer asked me to look into an error which showed up in one of their applications. Without going into the details of real use case I like to bring this issue to your attention as it might happen to you too.

Use Case
I set up a mock use case to show the problem as this: A page (.jspx or .jsf) includes one (or more) other task flows as a region. The base page retrieves some data using a method call exposed in the data control, which should be displayed in the region for information purpose.

If the task flows share their data controls this is not a big deal to implement this. You can download the sample using the link provided at the end of this blog. The sample uses the HR schema and was build using JDev and was additional tested with JDev and JDev, which show the same behavior.

On the base page I set up an inputText which I use to pass a parameter to the method (callMeTest) which retrieves some info from the application module. The callMeTest method simply returns the passed parameter together with a ‘nice’ message:

    public String callMeTest(String name) {
        _logger.info("Called with: "+name);
        return "Call me Test "+name;

The return value is then displayed on the base page at the bottom under the button and should be displayed in the region, under the table, too. The sample just uses one region. When no value is present ‘****’ is used as parameter. The image below shows the application after starting it.

Start Screen

Start Screen

After entering a value into the inputText field below the table and hitting the ‘callMeTest’ button underneath it, you see that the return value is displayed below the button on the base page and under the table inside the region. If the button is hit with another value, both values are updated.

After entering a value and hitting the button

After entering a value and hitting the button

Nothing unusual so far. Now, for some unknown reason, after a change to another part the application, that functionality did not work any longer. The value in the base page still updates after the call to the method, but the value in the region stopped updating.

Screen after next deployment

Screen after next deployment

The reason for this behavior is a simple one. A look into the task flow properties of the region, revealed that the checkmark for the ‘Share data controls with calling task flow’ was not set, meaning that the task flow get its own data control frame. The result is that the method outcome from the base page is not visible in the region.

TaskFlow properties (1)

TaskFlow properties (1)

The question was how did this happen, when the change which results in the new deployment had nothing to do with this part of the application?

It turned out, that when you create a new bounded task flow this property value is set to ‘default’. This is shown in the ‘Overview’ of the task flow as bluish shade in the check box. No checkmark is set and a look into the source reveals that the whole section


is just missing from the XML file.

TaskFlow after creation

TaskFlow after creation

Once you click on this property in the property editor you can just switch between ‘isolated’ or ‘shared’.

TaskFlow properties (2)

TaskFlow properties (2)

The only possible way to get the bluish shade back is to delete the section in the source view of the task flow.

TaskFlow properties in 'Source Mode'

TaskFlow properties in ‘Source Mode’

So this checkbox has three states ‘bluish’, ‘isolated’, and ‘shared’. Well, there is a forth state which you get if you open the property editor in source mode and select ‘default’. The following table shown all states together with their meaning:

State  Meaning
Bluish  Shared
Check marked  Shared
Unchecked not bluish  Isolated
Data-control-scope empty  Isolated

While the application works according to the meaning of the flag, I find it not intuitive how JDev handles this setting. The programmer who made the change to the application clicked this property, but meant to do so on a different task flow. So he unchecked the ‘Share data controls with calling task flow’ property as he remembered that it was not set before.

My advise is to set the flag whenever you create a task flow so you know which share mode the task flow uses. This avoids errors like the one described in this blog.

In the meantime Chris Muir raised the issue with the UX specialists (Oracle intern) and Bug 14390576 has been raised for this issue.
Thank you Chris!

The sample uses the HR schema and was build with JDeveloper, tested with and . You can download the sample work space form ADF Samples: Source Code

JDev11. Handling images/files in ADF (Part 2)

This blog article is part 2 of a series of posts showing how to deal with images or files in an ADF application. Each of the techniques to do this are described in other blog posts or documents, but I couldn’t find a sample doing it all together in on sample application.
The goal of this series is to provide a sample showing how to upload a file from a client to the server, store the data on the server, make it available for later retrieval and show the data in the user interface (form and table).

    Part 1 gives an overview of the sample application I’m going to build and how to set it up
    Part 2 shows how to upload a file, store it and download it back to the client
    Part 3 implements two techniques to show the data (image) on the user interface
    Part 4 backport of the sample to JDeveloper 11gR1
    Part 5 implements a technique to show the uploaded file right after upload without the need to commit first

Uploading, downloading and storing of data in a blob

In this part of the series I show how to upload a file from the client to the server and store the data in a blob column in a db. The tables I’m using are CATALOG and IMAGES. The DML to define the tables and can be found in PART 1 of the series or in the sample workspace at the end of this part.
Lets start with uploading a file from client to the server. ADF rich faces provide the tag af:inputFile to allow uploading of data.

&lt;af:inputFile label=&quot;Select new file&quot; id=&quot;if1&quot; autoSubmit=&quot;true&quot;

As you see the tag has set its autoSubmit property to true to allow direct upload of data. The real work is done in the valueChangeListener which is bound to a backing bean in request scope. The value the event carries allows access to the data and give us the original filename and mime type.

    public void uploadFileValueChangeEvent(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent)
        // The event give access to an Uploade dFile which contains data about the file and its content
        UploadedFile file = (UploadedFile) valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
        // Get the original file name
        String fileName = file.getFilename();
        // get the mime type 
        String contentType = ContentTypes.get(fileName);
        // get the current roew from the ImagesView2Iterator via the binding
        DCBindingContainer lBindingContainer =
            (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        DCIteratorBinding lBinding = lBindingContainer.findIteratorBinding(&quot;ImagesView2Iterator&quot;);
        Row newRow = lBinding.getCurrentRow();
        // set the file name
        newRow.setAttribute(&quot;ImageName&quot;, fileName);
        // create the BlobDomain and set it into the row
        newRow.setAttribute(&quot;ImageData&quot;, createBlobDomain(file));
        // set the mime type
        newRow.setAttribute(&quot;ContentType&quot;, contentType);

    private BlobDomain createBlobDomain(UploadedFile file)
        // init the internal variables
        InputStream in = null;
        BlobDomain blobDomain = null;
        OutputStream out = null;

            // Get the input stream representing the data from the client
            in = file.getInputStream();
            // create the BlobDomain datatype to store the data in the db
            blobDomain = new BlobDomain();
            // get the outputStream for hte BlobDomain
            out = blobDomain.getBinaryOutputStream();
            // copy the input stream into the output stream
             * IOUtils is a class from the Apache Commons IO Package (http://www.apache.org/)
             * Here version 2.0.1 is used
             * please download it directly from http://projects.apache.org/projects/commons_io.html
            IOUtils.copy(in, out);
        catch (IOException e)
        catch (SQLException e)

        // return the filled BlobDomain
        return blobDomain;

Please note the I use the Apache Commons IO package in the version 2.0.1 which you need to download from the Apache Software Foundation web side. The use the class IOUtils which allow easy copying of streams.
If your are using an older version of JDeveloper you may need to add the usesUpload property to the af:form tag. In the current JDev version it should work automatically (but please check it).

&lt;af:form id=&quot;f1&quot; usesUpload=&quot;true&quot;&gt;

If you use fragments (as in this sample) you need to check the jspx or jsf page which is holding the af:form tag (Catalog.jsf), as the fragments don’t have a form tag.
By default, Oracle ADF 11g application allows to upload maximum 2 MB size files. This maximum can be configured in the web.xml file if you need to upload files bigger then 2 MB. For this you need to specify the context parameters


For more information about the parameters and how they work check the doc Oracle® Fusion Middleware Web User Interface Developer’s Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

Now to the download part. This is handled in ADF via the af:fileDownloadActionListener tag. The tag is a client listener tag and is therefor applied to a command ui tag. In the sample I use a af:commandButton:

&lt;af:commandButton text=&quot;Download Data&quot; id=&quot;cb3&quot;
                  visible=&quot;#{bindings.ImageData.inputValue ne null}&quot;
          &lt;af:fileDownloadActionListener contentType=&quot;#{bindings.ContentType.inputValue}&quot;

The real work is done in the downloadImage method in the managed bean. The signature of the method is

public void downloadImage(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream)

This allows you to access to the FacesContext and the output stream which you use to pipe the data to the client.

    public void downloadImage(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream)
        BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();

        // get an ADF attributevalue from the ADF page definitions
        AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding(&quot;ImageData&quot;);
        if (attr == null)

        // the value is a BlobDomain data type
        BlobDomain blob = (BlobDomain) attr.getInputValue();

        {   // copy hte data from the BlobDomain to the output stream 
            IOUtils.copy(blob.getInputStream(), outputStream);
            // cloase the blob to release the recources
            // flush the outout stream
        catch (IOException e)
            // handle errors
            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), &quot;&quot;);
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

This is all you need to do to download a blob from the db and send it back to the client.

I like to mention one other function of the sample application. If you hit the ‘Cancel’ button in the insert or edit image page I use a rollback to get the original data back and remove all changes made in the form. A rollback resets all current row pointers of the iterators. To avoid that the user sees the first row of the catalog table the rollback has to be handled in a special way. You have to save the current row (of the catalog iterator), do the rollback and reset the current row back to the saved one. This is done in the bean method

public String cancel_action() {...}

which you find in the ImageBean class.

This concludes part 2. In part three I implement two techniques to show the data (image) on the user interface (page)

The sample application workspace is build with JDeveloper and can be loaded from here BlogUploadDownload_P2.zip
Please rename the file to ‘.zip’ after downloading it!
The Commons IO package in the version 2.0.1 you can download from the Apache Software Foundation apache web side

To be continued…